Friday, May 4, 2012

A must see show!

If you have contemplated adopting a little person but wonder what it is like - there will be a phenomenal family featured tonight on 20/20

Amber and her husband are both little people and have 2 bio children, and 3 adopted little people.
I hope when you watch you will see that besides being little spitfires, they just are like you and I.

Here is a preview on GMA this morning

Tonight (Friday) on 20/20 with Barbara Walters will air the entire interview.

Available children can be seen

Come on folks, everyone needs a princess!

Cuz, "little's are superior race!" 
(yeah mom did a good job with my self-esteem!)

cuz, sometimes, the unknowns are scary
 but everyone deserves someone to call their own. 

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