Saturday, July 2, 2011

HIS timing is perfect

Have I mentioned that patience is NOT my gift!   So we thought and really tried to have out DTC by yesterday (Friday) which is the day our agency sends them to China as a group.  I finally emailed at 3:30 pm to see if we made it since I hadn't heard anything.  Apparently, the Chinese Consulate didn't like how our I-800A was notarized . . . let me tell you about that!

When I went to Denver last Friday, I had to leave really early so I could be back to get the big kids to play practice at 1pm.  Of course, the bank doesn't open until 9 am so we could get the copy notarized.  On the way up to Denver (at castle rock) I saw a Key Bank and decided that I would get the document notarized there and then I wouldn't have to worry about finding a place in Denver.  Easy, peasy she notarized the paper our agency gave us, basically stating this was a copy and we possessed the original.  I got to the SOS about 10:30 am.  THank goodness for the mapquest on my iPhone!

Unfortunately, they couldn't find the notaries name in their computer and wouldn't authenticate it!?!  The lady was super nice and told me to go down to Wells Fargo which is in the same building.  Now mind you, this was after getting lost, driving in traffic, dealing with one way streets and the building is smack dab in downtown Denver.  I luckily had extra copies of everything.  Added more money to the meter, grabbed my copies and went into Wells Fargo.  Again a very nice lady but she had her own way of notarizing the copy.  She made her own copy (thankfully I had the original) and stamped the back stating  basically the same thing that the agencies letter said.  Got this authenticated and called the agency to make sure this would work before heading over to Fedex.  "Yes, no problem blah, blah, blah".

WELL, apparently, the Chinese Consulate had a fit about the notary and wasn't going to ok it :(  Luckily, the courier was able to work their magic and get it all signed off on but this delayed sending it - missing the Friday ship date!  They should have it Tues or Weds (due to the holiday) and will go out July 5th.

Now, to say I was hot would be an understatement.  We paid extra for overnights, courier etc so it would be in this Fridays packet, but what could I do - but look up and realize that the costs were my costs to learn the lesson that God's timing is forever perfect.  If I could jsut learn this LOL!!

I do love how He confirms our lessons.  When I got on rumor queen ( this morning I saw a post about travel timing questions.  As I was reading I realized God's timing and this is why our DTC missed last week!  You see my DH is in retail and Christmas is almost impossible for him to get away but there is a 'sweet' spot in early Dec where the after Thanksgiving shoppers have bought but the last minute shoppers are waiting.  Never in my wildest dreams wold I have tried to manuever dates down to a very small time period, but God is defiantely good.   Check out the post below, I could just cry!

"If you travel in Dec you would want TA by Dec 8.  The average time from LOA to TA is 75 days so you would want LOA by SEPT 23rd.  The average from LID to LOA is 50 days  so you would want LID by Aug 3rd.  The average time from DTC to LID is 18 days so you would want to be DTC on July 15th!"

Sooo, I am feeling so less anxious.  I have given this to God's timing.  In doing that, I am also giving Cavanaugh's health to Him.  Of course, I will continue to worry about him, but also trusting that with God's will he will be ok.

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