Friday, November 18, 2011

Hit the Wall!

It finally happened, I hit the wall yesterday.  I was in a growly mood most of the morning, fretting over the TA and travel, vs the holidays and plans.  Having myself a good old fashioned pity party.

By afternoon I was done.

After all my little ducklings were safely at home, I gave them dinner advice and went to bed.  Man that sounds terrible when I type it LOL!

I feel so much better today, it's amazing what a little regeneration and a couple of alka-seltzer cold can do for one person!

Here is to a great weekend of actually getting everything done!


  1. I've hit the wall a few times, too! I have been so optimistic that we'd stay on the short side of the timeline...I didn't allow reality to set in that we might not get travel approval this week until 5pm tonight. Ugh! Thankfully, God has given me a peace about it...hoping it last through the weekend! LOL! Thinking of you...I'm sure my TA is sitting in the same stack as yours so I can't wait to meet you and hug you in China as we pick up our sweethearts. ;o)

  2. We are at the same place in the process as you are, and have also had several delays due to others that have us waiting much longer than we had originally thought. Our Article was finally sent on 11/11, and we are hoping to still be able to finalize our adoption before the year is out. Hating the thought of being gone over Christmas, but what do you do?! Here's to both of us getting TA this week! Michelle
