Monday, May 7, 2012

Moving Mountains

 I am beyond shocked - the prayers are being heard and He is so incredible.  I can see the mountains being moved right in front of us.  And on days like yesterday (waahaa) it so helps me to see His hand in the midst of this adoption.

To catch you up - our homestudy agency is NOT renewing their Hague when it expires in June.  We have to be DTC by June.  The I-800A process was our biggest hurdle in meeting this timeline.  Last year when we did this process it took 65 days for I-800A approval.

Our paperwork was supposedly sent April 16th - we finally got notice that it was received April 23rd and notice given April 25th.

Friday I opened the mail and what did I see?

Our fingerprint appointments!!

This means we can try and walk in this week.  Unfortunately we can't go in until Friday but still I could jsut cry when I see Him move mountains for one little guy!

At the latest our fingerprint appointment is for May 22, so even then we should be able to be DTC within our timeline.


  1. WOO!!! Praise God! We just got the I800 approval for our son but our daughters was rejected (the check was $10 short!!!!!) so we're fedexing it back overnight and will get there Wed morning. Highest of highs to get one approval and lowest of lows to get a rejection. Please pray for our daughters paperwork to be approved quickly!

  2. WAHOO!!!! I'm SO excited to hear this! God is SO good!!!
