Friday, December 2, 2011


Ok I have to say that Angela with is AWESOME!  We sent Cav a cake over a month ago just so he knew we loved him and he is special.  Really, I am sure word on the street (ie orphanages) is if you get a cake you have a family.  His birthday was in May (we sent LOI) but we didn't send him any treats..

Besides I am sure that special treats are fun for the whole group plus it breaks up the monotony of their routine. 

If you have been following our story then you have seen his last pictures which were almost heartbreaking to look at - he was so sad.  I was over the moon to see him smiling in this one!  He looks so different and dare I say HANDSOME (good thing since that is what Cavanaugh means)!!

Don't you love his cribmate Samuel just clapping away on the right! 

And then Samuel in this picture - I don't care the language or how children grow up, they still are the same.  He is totally saying "How dare you put your arm around MY buddy!"

They did move to a beautiful NEW & clean building but the empty shelves behind them breaks my heart.  Hopefully the 80+ beanie babies we are bringing will be given out.

Cav likes cake - of course my husband said - shovel it in before they put down the camera and take it away heehee!  Sweet baby boy there will be a lot of cakes in your future!


  1. Your little man is adorable! Love his eyes!

  2. Oh! Your little man pics made me SMILE! What a doll!!! We don't have an official itinerary yet so don't know what our Gotcha meeting time will be yet but know it's the 11th. Hope to hear soon. When do you get Cav? Maybe we'll be in the same place when you get Felicity and we get Raimey?! Hope so!!! See you Wed. as we are "Leaving on a jet plane...!"
